Dear Friends and Family,
So much happened this week, I'll try and get it all down. On Monday, we made an impulsive decision to go hit 9-holes of golf, so that was a ton of fun! There was a lot of people there, and we didn't even hold anyone up!
On Thursday, we were meeting with this girl whose dad is a member, but her mom isn't. they live way out in the country. So we went out out see them, and the meeting went really well! The spirit was so strong! And after we met, they gave us a tour of the farm, and it just so happens that two days earlier, one of their mama's had a kid. Hence you see me with a tiny goat. They were not potty trained. There were poop pellets ALL over the place.
On Saturday we were talking to people in a parking lot, and we met this guy named Jose, who didn't speak English, used my Espanol dos skillz and was able to teach a little, and say a prayer in Spanish! So yeah, language barriers are basically gone, totally fluent in Spanish right now, hahha.
On Sunday the YW President had us come in and show the Young Women how they could use the Book of Mormon to answer their prayers. We started off by getting a question from them that applies to their life. We then all knelt down and had that person pray, and ask the question to Heavenly Father and to ask him to place one word in their head to look up in the Index of the Book of Mormon. Afterwards we looked up the word and she went through, reading the brief summaries in there, and when a scripture stuck out to her, we went there, and BANG! Found her answer. The spirit was so strong.
I've put this to the test, I dont' know how many times but every time, it's answered! Sometimes we kneel/wait longer than we thought we would, but without fail, or question is answered!!
I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God, as well as the Bible and know that our Father in Heaven can use it to answer our questions, and I leave this with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Love you all, until next week,
Elder Tanuvasa
(From his email: "And we found a dead snake in our dryer.. had to get it out cause it STANK, and of course, I had to get a pic with it!")