Sorry this is such a short email, I'll be sending you letters, about how my day is. I only get an hour on email and I'm splitting it up into 30 min increments. I'll be getting on around 5 my time, so 6 your time.... i think lol Hoping that works for you. Just have a few things that i would like, loved all the letters and the package! thank you so much for those!
Everything is awesome, my comp is amazing, and we are just clicking on all cylinders. Love my district especially, really losing myself in the work. Going through the temple with my district today at 3! SO EXCITED. Anyways, send Tai and Madden my love, tell them to not be disappointed, cause once I get stamps I'll be writing them a ton, and especially today. LOVE YOU SO MUCH
your son,
Elder Tanuvasa aka Pepe